Wenatchee Student Dating

  1. Wenatchee Student Dating Website
  2. Wenatchee Student Dating Site
  3. Wenatchee Student Dating Services
  • Wenatchee Valley College is committed to the preservation of dignity and integrity for all students and employees; therefore this policy is issued in recognition of the college's moral and legal obligations to provide protection from and resolution of incidents of sexual harassment.
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Wenatchee Student Dating Website

Academic honesty and proper classroom conduct is vital in the college environment. All students must comply with an appropriate and sound academic honesty policy, code of honest behavior and classroom conduct policy. All members of the college community are responsible for knowing and understanding the statement on academic honesty and classroom conduct. The statement and procedures will be made readily available to all students and faculty to ensure understanding of the academic honesty system and expected classroom conduct and its proper functioning.

  1. Academic dishonesty: where suspected violations of the academic honesty system occur, appropriate procedures are designed to protect academic integrity while ensuring due process. Honest assessment of student performance is crucial to all members of the academic community. It is the responsibility of the college administration and teaching faculty to provide reasonable and prudent security measures designed to minimize opportunities for acts of academic dishonesty that occur at the college. Acts of dishonesty are serious breaches of honor and shall be dealt with in the following manner:
    1. Any student who knowingly submits a fraudulent examination, assignment or any other academic work product shall have committed an act of academic dishonesty. Acts of academic dishonesty shall be cause for disciplinary action.
    2. Any student who aids or abets the accomplishment of an act of academic dishonesty, as described in (a) of this subsection, shall be subject to disciplinary action.
    3. This section shall not be construed as preventing an instructor from taking immediate disciplinary action when the instructor is required to act upon such breach of academic dishonesty in order to preserve order and prevent disruptive conduct in the classroom. This action shall also not be construed as preventing an instructor from adjusting the student’s grade on a particular project, paper, test or class grade for academic dishonesty.
  2. Classroom conduct: instructors have the authority to take whatever summary actions may be necessary to maintain order and proper conduct in the classroom and to maintain the effective cooperation of the class in fulfilling the objectives of the course.
    1. Any student who substantially disrupts any college class by engaging in conduct that renders it difficult or impossible to maintain class decorum shall be subject to disciplinary action which may include removal from the class.
    2. Any college instructor is authorized to take steps necessary to preserve order and to maintain the effective cooperation of the class in fulfilling course objectives, provided that a student shall have the right to appeal such disciplinary action to the chief student services officer or designee.


The following acts by a student are considered academic misconduct and are prohibited:

  1. Academic dishonesty—academic dishonesty occurs when students give or receive unauthorized assistance in an academic exercise or attempt to receive credit for work that is not their own.
  2. Cheating—intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aides in an academic exercise.
  3. Fabrication—the intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
  4. Plagiarism—the deliberate adoption or reproduction of ideas or words or statements of another person as one’s own without acknowledgement.
  5. Falsifying an exam, paper, projects, transcript, etc. (or assisting another student to do so).
  6. Unauthorized use of materials or collaboration with another person during a test or assignment.
  7. Substituting for a student, or permitting a substitute for oneself, to take an exam, course or test, or to provide the work for any assigned project.
  8. The acquisition of grades, academic credits, degrees, honors, awards, certification or professional endorsements by means of cheating.
  9. Failure to comply with the policies of the student’s program or department as stated in the student handbook.
  10. Failure to comply with policies set forth by specific educational programs.

The academic standards at Wenatchee Valley College have been established to ensure that the college resources are used in the best interest of all current and future students. The policy also ensures that students with academic difficulties are made aware of the many educational resources available to them. Students are encouraged to assume responsibility for their own academic progress.

  1. First quarter—warning: a student attempting six or more graded credits will be placed on academic warning when his or her cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. All students on academic warning will receive letters from the admissions department advising them of their academic standing, and the next steps to take. Their transcript will be endorsed “Academic Warning.” Students will remain on academic warning status in subsequent quarters until their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher.
  2. Second quarter—probation: if a student on academic warning attempts six or more graded credits for a second time, and his or her quarterly GPA falls below 2.0, they will be placed on academic probation. All students on academic probation will receive letters from the admissions department advising them of their academic standing, and the next steps to take. Their transcript will be endorsed “Academic Probation.” Students will remain on academic probation status in subsequent quarters until their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher.
  3. Third quarter—suspension: if a student on academic probation attempts six or more graded credits for a third time, and his or her quarterly GPA falls below 2.0, they will be placed on academic suspension. All students on academic suspension will receive letters from the admissions department advising them of their academic standing, and the next steps to take. The transcript will be endorsed “Academic Suspension.” Suspended students will not be permitted to enroll for any classes for one quarter. Students returning from academic suspension will be required to submit a completed petition for readmission to the student development office. The student will be scheduled for a readmission interview with a counselor. The student will remain on academic suspension status in subsequent quarters until their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher.
  4. Academic forgiveness: if a student stops attending WVC while on academic warning, probation or suspension status, they will remain at that level for a period of at least three years (12 academic quarters). If during that time they have not returned to WVC, their student records will be updated to remove them from their academic deficiency status.


  1. Waiving college academic policies: petitions for waiving college academic policies are initially reviewed by the WVC Registrar. All petitions must be in writing and submitted on the appropriate form, available from the WVC website or through the registration office. Such petitions may include, but are not limited to:
    1. Late changes in class status (i.e. credit to audit, past quarterly deadline to withdraw).
    2. Set aside of low grades from previous quarters.
    3. Substitution of graduation requirements.
    4. Taking more than 18 credits in one quarter.
      After reviewing the petition, the registrar will either make a ruling on the petition or forward it to the appropriate WVC administrator for further review/ruling.
  2. Petitions for readmission after academic suspension: petitions for readmission after an academic suspension is reviewed by a WVC counselor. WVC counselors can either approve the appeal for readmission or deny the appeal.
  3. Appeals to the academic regulations committee: if a petition or waiver of college policy is denied, the student can appeal the decision to the WVC Academic Regulations Committee. Filing for an appeal is completed through the student development office.

All appeals must be in writing. Petitioners may appear in person before the committee but are not required to do so. It is the responsibility of the student to be fully aware of the policies and procedures that govern a specific program in which the student is seeking enrollment or is currently enrolled.


  1. The academic regulations committee chair shall set the time, place and available seating capacity for a hearing.
  2. All committee proceedings will be conducted with reasonable dispatch and terminated as soon as fairness to all parties involved permits.
  3. The committee chair shall enforce general rules of procedures for conducting hearings consistent with these procedural guidelines.
  4. The student shall be given notice of the date, time and place of the hearing, the charges, and a description of any documentary or other physical evidence that will be presented at the hearing. This notice shall be given to the student in writing and shall be provided in sufficient time for the student to prepare a defense.
  5. The student or their representative shall be entitled to hear and examine the evidence against them and be informed of the identity of its sources and shall be entitled to present evidence in their own behalf. The student shall be able to obtain information or to request the presence of witnesses or the production of other evidence relevant to the issues at the hearing.
  6. Committee hearings may be held in closed session at the discretion of the council, the only exception being when the student involved invites particular persons or requests an open hearing. If at any time during the conduct of the hearing invited persons are disruptive of the proceedings, the committee chair may exclude such persons from the hearing room.
  7. Only those matters presented at the hearing, in the presence of the student involved, will be considered in determining whether the student is guilty of the academic misconduct, but the student’s past record of conduct may be taken into account in formulating the committee’s recommendation for denial or approval.
  8. The failure of a student to cooperate with the hearing procedures, however, shall not preclude the committee from making its findings of fact, reaching conclusions and imposing sanctions. Failure of the student to cooperate may be taken into consideration by the committee in recommendations.
  9. The student may be represented by counsel and/or accompanied by an adviser of their choice. If counsel is present for the student, the college may also have counsel present to assist the council. If the student intends to use an attorney, they must notify the chief student services officer or designee five days in advance of the formal hearing.
  10. An adequate summary of the proceedings will be kept. Such summary could include a tape recording of testimony. Such record will be available for inspections and copying in the office of the chief student services officer or designee during regular business hours.
  11. The student will be provided with a copy of the findings of fact and the conclusions of the committee.
  12. The chief student services officer or designee shall notify the student of their decision.
  13. The student will be advised of their right to present to the president, within 10 calendar days, a written statement of appeal speaking specifically to the decision made before action is taken on the decision of the committee.
  14. The president of the college or designated representative shall, after reviewing the case, sustain the decision, give directions as to what other disciplinary action shall be taken by modifying its decision or nullify previous sanctions imposed by reversing the decision. The president or designee shall then notify in writing the chief student services officer or designee, the student and the committee. The president’s decision shall be final.



Wenatchee Valley College expects that its students, both on and off campus, conduct themselves in a manner that maintains high standards of integrity, honesty and morality at all times. A student who does not follow college rules will be subject to such action as may be deemed appropriate by designated college authorities. Conduct, either on or off campus, should be of such nature as not to reflect adversely on the reputation of the individual or the college. Students arrested for violation of criminal law on or off campus may also be subject to disciplinary action by the college. The following misconduct on college facilities is subject to disciplinary action:

Wenatchee Student Dating Site

  1. Intentionally or recklessly endangering, threatening, or causing physical harm to any person or oneself, or intentionally or recklessly causing reasonable apprehension of such harm.
  2. Harassment, Bullying, Abuse—no student shall physically, sexually, or emotionally harass, bully, abuse, coerce, intimidate, seriously embarrass, assault or recklessly endanger any other person. For more information, see college discrimination and discriminatory harassment policy 000.330 and procedure 1000.330 and sexual harassment/Title IX policy 000.340 and procedure 1000.340.
  3. Students engaging in any activity which inhibits or interferes with the orderly operation of Wenatchee Valley College or the ability of students and/or college personnel to perform their functions in an orderly environment shall be in violation of disorderly conduct policy and subject to disciplinary action. No student shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with normal college or college-sponsored activities or any form of emergency services. See college policy 500.450 violence in the workplace.
  4. Unauthorized entry or use of college facilities, classrooms or offices.
  5. Knowingly violating the term of any disciplinary sanction imposed in accordance with the code.
  6. Theft of property, identity or services; knowing possession of stolen property.
  7. Violating college policies or procedures by any student or by the guest of any student.
  8. The consumption of alcoholic beverages on college property, except in accordance with state of Washington liquor license procedures. The unlawful (as a matter of local, state or federal law) manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of alcohol, legend drugs, narcotic drugs or controlled substances including marijuana, on college property or during college-sponsored events, whether on or off campus except when use or possession of a legend drug, narcotic drug or controlled substance other than marijuana is specifically prescribed by an appropriately licensed health care provider. See college policy 500.475 alcohol and drug-free workplace.
  9. Academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism or knowingly furnishing false information to the college.
  10. Forgery, alteration or misuse of college documents, records, funds, or instruments of identification.
  11. Refusal to comply with the direction of college officials acting in the legitimate performance of their duties.
  12. Unauthorized possession or use of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals or other dangerous weapons or instruments. Legal defense sprays are not covered by this policy. Exceptions to this policy are permitted when the weapon is used in conjunction with an approved college instructional program or is carried by a duly commissioned law enforcement officer. See college policy 000.270 weapons on campus.
  13. Failure to comply with the college’s network acceptable use policy and/or misuse of computing equipment, services and facilities, including use of electronic mail and the Internet.
  14. Ethics Violation—the breech of any generally recognized and published code of ethics or standards of professional practice that govern the conduct of a particular trade, skill, craft or profession for which the student is taking courses or is pursuing as their educational goal or major. These ethics codes must be distributed to students as part of an educational program, course or sequence of courses and the student must be informed that a violation of such ethics codes may subject the student to disciplinary action by the college.
  15. Hazing—conspiracy to engage in hazing or participation in hazing another. Hazing shall include any method of initiation into a student organization or living group, or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such an organization or living group, that causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger or physical harm, or serious mental or emotional harm to any student or other person attending Wenatchee Valley College. Consent is no defense to hazing. The term does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions. Hazing is also a misdemeanor, punishable under state law.
  16. Initiation violation—conduct associated with initiation into a student organization, association or living group, or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to an organization, association or living group not amounting to a violation of under the definition of hazing. Conduct covered by this definition may include embarrassment, ridicule, sleep deprivation, verbal abuse or personal humiliation. Consent is no defense to initiation violation.
  17. Animals, with the exception of service animals, are not allowed on or in college facilities. All services animals on campus shall be under direct physical control, leashed by their owner or custodian and registered with the special population’s coordinator.
  18. Gambling—any form of gambling is prohibited.
  19. Sexual Misconduct. The term “sexual misconduct” includes sexual harassment, sexual intimidation, and sexual violence. Sexual harassment prohibited by Title IX is defined in this procedure, and college procedure 1400.115 student discipline. Also see WAC 132W-115-110.
    1. Sexual Harassment. The term “sexual harassment” means unwelcome sexual or gender-based conduct, including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, quid pro quo harassment, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual or a gendered nature that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive as to:
      1. deny or limit the ability of a student to participate in or benefit from the college’s educational program;
      2. alter the terms or conditions of employment for a college employee(s); and/or
      3. create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for other campus community members.
    2. Sexual Intimidation. The term “sexual intimidation” incorporates the definition of “sexual harassment” and means threatening or emotionally distressing conduct based on sex, including, but not limited to, nonconsensual recording of sexual activity or the distribution of such recording.
    3. Sexual Violence. “Sexual Violence” is a type of sexual discrimination and harassment. Nonconsensual sexual intercourse, nonconsensual sexual contact, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking are all types of sexual violence.
      1. Nonconsensual sexual intercourse. Any actual or attempted sexual intercourse (anal, oral, or vaginal), however slight, with any object or body part, by a person upon another person, that is without consent and/or by force. Sexual intercourse includes anal or vaginal penetration by a penis, tongue, finger, or object, or oral copulation by mouth to genital contact or genital to mouth contact.
      2. Nonconsensual sexual contact. Any actual or attempted sexual touching, however slight, with any body part or object, by a person upon another person that is without consent and/or by force. Sexual touching includes any bodily contact with the breasts, groin, mouth, or other bodily orifice of another individual, or any other bodily contact in a sexual manner.
      3. Incest. Sexual intercourse or sexual contact with a person known to be related to them, either legitimately or illegitimately, as an ancestor, descendant, brother, or sister of either wholly or half related. Descendant includes stepchildren, and adopted children under the age of 18.
      4. Statutory Rape. Consensual intercourse between a person who is eighteen (18) years of age or older, and a person who is under the age of 16.
      5. Domestic violence. Physical violence, bodily injury, assault, the infliction of fear of imminent physical harm, sexual assault, or stalking committed by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of State of Washington, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the State of Washington, RCW 26.50.010.
      6. Dating violence, Physical violence, bodily injury, assault, the infliction of fear of imminent physical harm, sexual assault, or stalking committed by a person (1) who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and (2) where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors:
        • The length of the relationship;
        • The type of relationship; and
        • The frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship
      7. Stalking. Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to (1) fear for their safety or the safety of others; or (2) suffer substantial emotional distress.
    4. For purposes of this code, “consent” means knowing, voluntary, and clear permission by word or action, to engage in mutually agreed upon sexual activity. Each party has the responsibility to make certain that the other has consented before engaging in the activity. For consent to be valid, there must be at the time of the act of sexual intercourse or sexual contact actual words or conduct indicating freely given agreement to have sexual intercourse or sexual contact. A person cannot consent if they are unable to understand what is happening or are disoriented, helpless, asleep, or unconscious for any reason, including due to alcohol or other drugs. An individual who engages in sexual activity when the individual knows, or should know, that the other person is physically or mentally incapacitated has engaged in nonconsensual conduct. Intoxication is not a defense against allegations that an individual has engaged in nonconsensual sexual conduct


In accordance with provision contained in RCW 28B.10.571 and 28B.10.572:

  1. It shall be unlawful for any person, singly or in concert with others, to interfere by force or violence with any employee or student of the college who is in the peaceful discharge or conduct of their duties or studies. See college policy 500.450 violence in the workplace.
  2. The college prohibits acts of intimidation as well as actual or threatened violence against co-workers, students, visitors, or any other persons who are on campus or college employees in the course of their duties. The prohibited acts include behavior that interferes with an individual's legal rights of movement, or expression, disrupts the workplace, the academic environment or the college's ability to provide service to the public. See college policy 500.450 violence in the workplace.
  3. The crimes described in RCW 28B.10.571 and 28B.10.572 shall not apply to any college employee who is engaged in the reasonable exercise of their disciplinary authority.
  4. Any person or persons who violate the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section will be subject to disciplinary action and referred to the authorities for prosecution.

Originally approved by the president’s cabinet: 3/6/01
Revised and approved by the president’s cabinet 11/5/02, 8/23/05, 7/29/14, 8/18/20
Presented to the board of trustees: 9/21/05, 9/11/14, 9/9/20
Last reviewed: 8/13/20
Procedure contact: Student Services

Wenatchee Student Dating Services

Related policies and procedures
000.190 Expressive Activities Policy
000.270 Weapons on Campus Policy
000.300 Freedom of Inquiry & Expression Policy
000.330 Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment Policy
000.340 Sexual Harassment/Title IX Policy
400.100 Student Rights and Responsibilities/Code of Student Conduct Policy
500.450 Violence in the Workplace Policy
500.475 Alcohol & Drug-Free Workplace Policy
1000.330 Discrimination & Discriminatory Harassment Procedure
1000.340 Sexual Harassment/Title IX Procedure
1400.115 Student Discipline Procedure